Another successful MUCUGL event in the can…

Thursday night Tom, Justin and I – along with the great guys (and gal) from Acme Packet presented at Club Eight. We had a great turnout, some of the regulars and friendly new faces too!

Justin gave an in-depth and insightful look at Microsoft SIP, explained the different types of messages and ran the group through the Lync Snooper tool, Geraint Evans (from Acme Packet) gave the group a great overview on what to expect from a Session Border Controller or SBC, not only within the service provider space, but in SMEs too. Tom updated the group on what’s new in Lync-land for the last quarter and I presented on Fixed-to-Mobile Convergence or FMC, which I’m pleased to say seemed to provoke some thoughts amongst the group.

Thanks to all those that joined us and we hope to see you all at our next and 1st anniversary event on July 19th, venue and topics to be announced – stay tuned. Presentations from Justin, Tom, Geraint and I are now available via the MUCUGL SlideShare account (also embedded below)


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